# Perl script to modify names of GPX waypoints in file downloaded from SOTADATA.ORG
# (c) 2018, Jan Uhrin, OM2JU
# License: Free, enjoy
# Example of Waypoint entry:
# <-- print this line
# 1040 <-- don't print this line
# OK/JC-027 <-- don't print this line
# <-- don't print this line
# <-- don't print this line
# SOTA10 <-- don't print this line
# SOTA Summit OK/JC <-- don't print this line
# <-- print this line
# Iterate through all lines in text file entered as command line argument
while (<>) {
# By default let print everything except lines with specific tags
$print_flag = 1;
# This flag is activated when new assembled SOTA name is ready
$print_flag_name = 0;
# Let print everything except the lines with following tags
if ($_ =~ /(.*)<\/name>/) { $ref = $1; }
if ($_ =~ /(.*)<\/ele>/) { $ele = $1; }
if ($_ =~ /<\!\[CDATA\[(.*)\]\]><\/cmt>/) { $summit = $1; }
if ($_ =~ /SOTA(.*)<\/sym>/) { $sym = $1; $print_flag_name++; }
# Print all lines except ones with $print_flag=0
print if ($print_flag>0);
# Print new SOTA name
if ($print_flag_name>0) {
printf(" %s, %sm, %sp - %s\n", $ref, $ele, $sym, $summit );